Solely for Better Health
Sharing Better Health & Wellness
Gardening & Essential Oils
Vegetables - Essential Oils:
Asparagus: Basil, Parsley
Dwarf Green Beans: Lavender, Basil, Savory, Strawberries
Broad Beans: Lavender, Basil, Savory
Runner Beans: Lavender, Basil, Savory
Beetroot: Celery, Marjoram
Broccoli: Basil, Thyme
Cabbage: Peppermint, Sage, Thyme, Clary-Sage, Chamomile
Carrots: Sage
Cauliflower: Celery, Thyme
Celery: Gerranium, Yarrow
Cucumber: Sage, Yarrow
Leeks: Celery, Hyssop
Lettuce: Carrot
Onion: Chamomile, Savory
Peas: Gerranium, Carrot
Potatoes: Basil, Sage
Radishes: Parsley, Savory
Sweetcorn: Savory
Tomatoes: Basil
Apples: Lavender
Grapes: Hyssop, Lavender
Roses: Basil, Hyssop
Rye & Wheat: Chamomile
Here is a great site for more information and resources for gardening naturally using essential oils & more: http://catonsvillecoop.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Gardening-with-Essential-Oils_DIY_2015.pdf
Companion Planting List
Anise ‐ Plant anise and coriander seeds together. They will both germinate more quickly. Keep soil moist and separate when seedlings
have grown a little.
Apple ‐ If planted with chives there is less chance of apple scab disease.
Asparagus ‐ Becomes more vigorous if planted with parsley.
Basil ‐ Basil repels white fly and makes a good companion to tomatoes, in the garden & the kitchen.Use 3 basil plants to each tomato
plant. Basil also repels flies and mosquitoes, so useful in kitchen, outdoor barbecues. Don't plant near rue. Deters tomato hornworm,
aphids, flies and mosquitoes. Slows growth of milkweed bugs and acts as a fungicide.
Beans ‐ Less likely to suffer from beetles if petunias also planted alongside. Grow more strongly if planted with summer savory.
Beans (Bush) ‐ Plant with sunflowers, they like partial shade and the sunflowers attract birds and bees. All bean types
are beneficial if planted with cucumbers, potatoes, corn, celery, savory because these plants are heavy feeders. Beans
create their own nitrogen and are light feeders.
Bee/Lemon Balm ‐ Plant with tomatoes, it improves growth and flavour.
Beetroot ‐ Grow better if planted with onions, kohl rabi, basil, beans, lettuce, cabbage and tomatoes. Planting with
onions helps deter some insects and deters weeds.
Bergamot ‐ Attracts beneficial honey bees.
Borage ‐ Plant with strawberries to increase crop. Also good with tomatoes and squash. Attracts bees to the garden.
Deters tomato worms, attracts bees, helps growth and flavour.
Broccoli ‐ Planted with dill or mint grows better.
Cabbage ‐ Cabbage butterfly is repelled by planting rosemary or sage with cabbages. Any member of the cabbage
family should also be planted with potatoes, tomatoes, celery, dill, chamomile, sage, thyme, mint, rosemary, lavender,
beetroot or onions. All the above are aromatic plants, and therefore deter cabbage worms. Thyme and tomatoes also
help control flea beetles.
Calendula (Pot Marigold) ‐ If planted with tomatoes, this repels asparagus beetles, tomato worms and other pests.
Caraway ‐ Long roots help break down and condition heavy soils, can plant near shallow rooted plants. Dislikes fennel. Attracts parasitic
beneficial wasps. Caraway dislikes being planted near
fennel. Sown with peas, caraway seeds germinate more easily.
Carrots ‐ Carrot fly is repelled if carrots are planted with sage or onions. Also plant with peas, lettuce, chives, leeks, rosemary or
Catnip ‐ Planted on the vegetable garden border, catnip will deter cats from venturing further. Protects against flea
beetles, and attracts bees.
Celery ‐ Planted with bush beans, they help each other to grow better. Also good companion with leeks, tomatoes,
cabbage and cauliflower.
Chamomile Compatible with onions and cabbages but don't plant too much. Chamomile tea, made by soaking blossoms in cold water
for 1 to 2 days, is excellent spray for damping off. Improves both growth and flavour of onions and cabbages.
Chervil ‐ Chervil improves flavour of carrots if grown with them. Radishes planted near chervil has
hotter taste, and improved growth.
Chives ‐Carrots grow larger planted near chives. Helps prevent apple scab if grown underneath apple trees. Also helps control aphids
and black spot on roses. Cooled chive tea made from chopped chives in boiling water helps combat downy and powdery mildew.
Comfrey ‐ Comfrey keeps surrounding soil rich and moist. Rotted leaves and roots mixed with water makes good
fertilizer. Improves size and flavor of strawberries if planted nearby.
Coriander ‐ Sown with anise seeds aids germination in both. Coriander repels aphids. Don't grow near fennel as it
hinders its seed formation.
Corn ‐ Sowing with beans or peas provides an increased nitrogen supply to the corn (if corn andpeas/beans are planted
in alternate rows). If sunflowers are planted with corn, the incidence of armyworm decreases. Also plant with potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, squash. Vining things like this shade the ground, keeping weeds down, and use the corn stalks to trail up on.
Cucumbers ‐ Plant with beans, corn, peas, radishes, and sunflowers.
Dandelion - Plant along garden border to produce pollen for lady beetles, lacewings, and other predators and parasites. Repels Potato
Dill ‐ Cabbage grows well planted near dill. So does lettuce, corn & cucumber. If dill is allowed to flower it suppressesthe carrot crop, if
not allowed to flower it is fine. Don't plant near fennel as they may cross fertilize.
Eggplant ‐ If planted with aramanthus, there is less likelihood of insects on the eggplant. Also, beans planted with
eggplants repel beetles which would otherwise attack the eggplant.
Elderberry ‐ Plant near your compost heap as it assists in breakdown. Humus from base of elderberries make excellent topsoil.
Fennel Don't grow fennel in the vegetable garden. It is hated by tomatoes, kohlrabi, caraway and wormwood. If planted near dill
may cross fertilize. Repels fleas, so grow it around dog kennel.
Garlic ‐ Planted near roses keeps aphids away. If grown around fruit trees effective against borers.
Protects peach tree from leaf curl and apple trees from apple scab. Grown near tomatoes deters red spider mites. How-ever peas, beans, cabbages and strawberries hate it. Garlic spray may be made by crushing 4 cloves and steeping in a
liter of water for several days as an insecticide for vegetables and flowers.
Geranium ‐ Plant near roses, grapes and corn. Repels cabbage worm. Oil of geranium prevents red spider mite.
Grapes ‐ Planting clover increases the soil fertility for grapes. Hyssop likewise increases the vine crop.
Horseradish ‐ Helps deter potato bug if planted near potatoes. Can take over so keep restricted.
Hyssop ‐ Good for cabbages and grapes. Helps deter white butterflies. Good insect repellent if planted in vegetable or
flower garden. Keep away from radishes.
Lavender ‐ Attracts butterflies. Lavender bags repel mice, ticks and moths.
Leeks ‐ Leeks grow better if planted with carrots, celery or onions.
Lemon Balm ‐ Attracts bees. Improves growth and flavour of tomatoes.
Lettuce ‐ Plant with carrots, radishes, strawberries or peas.
Lovage ‐ All round garden helper. Improves health and flavour of most plants near it.
Marigolds ‐ Plant everywhere! Deter many insects and slugs.
Marjoram ‐ Beneficial on most vegetables planted near it.
Mint ‐ Repels cabbage butterfly, grow near cabbage family or tomatoes. Repels fleas, ants and mice.
Keep mint and parsley away from each other.
Nasturtium Useful insect repellent. Plant around broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage family, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers and fruit trees.
Deters white flies, squash bugs, and are a trap crop for aphids. Limits wooly aphid damage to apple trees if planted in a circle around them.
Onion ‐ Planting chamomile with onions improves the flavour of the onions.
Oregano ‐ Plant near broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower to repel cabbage butterfly and nearcucumbers to repel cucumber beetle.
Also benefits grapes.
Parsley ‐ Grow near chives, but away from mint. Aids growth of roses, tomatoes, asparagus and carrots.
Peaches ‐ Growing garlic around peach trees reduces the chance of peach leaf curl disease.
Peas ‐ Grow them almost everywhere, peas add nitrogen to soil. Growing interplanted with corn enhances growth of
the corn.
Peanuts ‐ If grown with squash or corn will increase the yield.
Potatoes ‐ Plant horseradishes with potatoes to make them more disease resistant.
Pumpkins ‐ Plant with datura to increase the vigour and health of the pumpkins. Also plant with corn.
Radish ‐ Plant with climbing beans, and both grow better. Plant with lettuces, and the radishes become more succulent
in summer time. Also plant with peas, nasturtiums and cucumbers. Deters cucumber beetle and other insects.
Rose ‐ Planting chives or garlic with roses protects them from black spot and some pests, including aphids. Parsley
protects roses from beetles.
Rosemary ‐ Grows well with sage, improves growth of carrots, cabbage and beans. Don't grow near potatoes.
Rue ‐ Hates basil. Plant near roses, strawberries and fig trees. Effective fly repellent and it repels dogs and cats which hate it.
Sage ‐ Plant near rosemary. Good grown with cabbage and carrots, peas and beans. Keep away from cucumbers. Sage
tea can be sprayed on mature plants not seedlings.
Salad Burnet ‐ Good with thyme and mint.
Savory(Summer) ‐ Grow near onions and beans. Deters bean beetles.
Savory(Winter) ‐ Useful insect repellent.
Spinach ‐ Plant with strawberries, and base of trellised peas. Spinach benefits from shading of peas and wind protection
Squash ‐ Plant with corn or nasturtiums.
Strawberries - Planted with borage improves the soil nutrition for the strawberries. Also plant with bush beans, spinach and lettuce.
Tansy Repels ants, flies and moths. Rub leaves onto fur of dogs and cats to repel fleas. Plant near fruit trees and roses.
It concentrates potassium in the soil so good for compost heap.
Tarragon ‐ All purpose garden helper.
Thyme ‐ Attracts bees and deters cabbage worm so plant near members of cabbage family.
Beneficial effect on plants near it.
Tomatoes ‐ Tomatoes grow and produce better when planted with marigolds; the same rule applies to basil planted
with tomatoes.
Valerian ‐ Excellent addition to compost heap as stimulates phosphorous activity in soil. Earthworms love it.
Wormwood ‐ Grow by itself edge of garden as inhibits growth of other plants. Spray discourages slugs and snails.
Yarrow ‐ Increases essential oil content enhancing aromatic quality and making more resistant to insect attack. honey bees.